Introducing our Business Development Manager…
NBOC’s New Business Development Manager, Carlos E. Avila
The NBOC is very pleased to introduce our new Business Development Manager to you this month. Carlos E. Avila, MSFM, joins the team after making a notable impact at both the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Bristol Community College.
At Mass Maritime, Carlos was the Assistant Director of Admissions with special responsibility for international recruitment initiatives. At Bristol, he collaborated with Offshore Wind industry partners by connecting prospective applicants to training opportunities at the community college as Associate Director of College Access. Later, as Associate Director of Career and Technical Trainings, he was a National Offshore Wind Institute (NOWI) audit team member assisting in preparation for Global Wind Organisation (GWO) accreditation of the nation’s first, purpose-built Offshore Wind training facility in New Bedford, MA.
“The Board of Directors and I are thrilled to have Carlos join the NBOC as our new Business Development Manager,” comments NBOC Executive Director Jennifer Downing. “Carlos brings to his role experience in offshore wind, as well as other maritime sectors. He is passionate about strengthening the region’s blue economy and committed to diversity and equal opportunity in the process. Carlos has demonstrated in his previous positions at Bristol Community College and Massachusetts Maritime that he is an excellent relationship builder, networker, and driven to get things done and see results. As we continue to build our membership and programs to support greater New Bedford’s maritime businesses, this is exactly what we need. I’m excited to work with him.”
Meet Carlos E. Avila, Business Development Manager for the New Bedford Ocean Cluster, yourself in a Q & A at this link.
NBOC Exc. Dir. Jennifer Downing at the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal as the first turbine arrives.
May 2023 was a huge month for news as New Bedford reached a milestone in the offshore wind energy industry.
The turbines for the nation’s very first commercial-scale offshore wind farm arrived at the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal on Wednesday, May 24. “After days of travel across the Atlantic Ocean, the UHL Felicity arrived from Portugal, met by New Bedford Police boat escorts and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the New Bedford hurricane barrier,” wrote the New Bedford LIght – the first of a series of headlines heralding the moment.
We’ve rounded up a sampling later in the newsletter, and also included a terrific video depicting the moment the turbines glided through the Hurricane Barrier gates and into New Bedford Harbor proper, as well as a reception ceremony for the massive equipment held the next day.
The New Bedford Ocean Cluster
NEW BEDFORD LIGHT: The first wind turbine components arrived in the Port of New Bedford Wednesday afternoon on a nearly 500-foot heavy load carrier, sailing through the hurricane barrier without incident at around 4:50 p.m. and wowing those who watched the massive ship enter the harbor.” FULL STORY
SOUTHCOAST TODAY: Mayor Jon Mitchell said it takes persistence and teamwork to get to this point with the arrival of the first components for Vineyard Wind, and New Bedford is prepared to compete so that in the years ahead people can look back and say they made it happen and we’re all better off for it. FULL STORY.
WPRI NEWS 12: New Bedford once lit the world with whale oil. Now it wants to do the same with wind power. FULL STORY.
WATCH IT HAPPEN: UHL Felicity moves through the New Bedford hurricane barrier – LINK
WATCH IT HAPPEN: Arrival ceremony at New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal: Just the beginning for offshore wind in New Bedford” – LINK
PROPOSALS DUE BY JULY 13: The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is soliciting proposals to promote the development and adoption of innovative gear technologies that reduce the risk of lethal or sub-lethal fishing gear entanglement for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale (NARW) in fixed gear fisheries throughout New England. The Fisheries Innovation Fund (FIF): New England Gear Innovation Fund program is assessing the funding need of the region and will award grants towards that need, providing up to $18 million in grants through this solicitation, pending availability of funding. Find out more here.
Communications Protocol During Offshore Wind Vessel Transits
The New Bedford Port Authority (NBPA) has released a Communications Protocol as installation of the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm begins in earnest. Learn all about it at this link.
You can join the New Bedford Ocean Cluster and connect with innovators and entrepreneurs who are transforming the ocean economy! From sustainable fishing to the offshore wind industry, together we’re shaping the future of the blue economy. Inquire through our Members page here.
The New Bedford Ocean Cluster maintains an ongoing social media presence on Facebook and LInkedIn. You can “Like” and “Follow” each page to receive news updates throughout the month between newsletters. #NBOC #newbedfordoceancluster