The NBOC hosted an Ecosystem Tour in New Bedford for 30 Blue Innovation Symposium attendees on February 13th. The Blue Innovation Symposium is the region’s premier marine technology event drawing over 300 attendees representing a variety of marine technology markets from the U.S. and beyond.
During the tour, attendees heard presentations from the New Bedford Ocean Cluster’s Executive Director, Jennifer Downing; Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Managing Director for Offshore Wind, Bruce Carlisle; and the New Bedford Port Authority‘s Executive Director, Gordon Carr. Attendees participated in a Port Tour by ferry and visited New Bedford Research and Robotics where they met Founder, Mark Parsons. From there, attendees visited UMass Dartmouth’s School for Marine Science & Technology (SMAST). During the visit to SMAST, attendees heard from the Dean of the campus, Dr. Kevin Stokesbury, as well as leadership from local AUV start-up’s Blue Water Autonomy and Orpheus Ocean.
According to Jennifer Downing, “Attending and exhibiting at the Blue Innovation Symposium and having the opportunity to host tours in New Bedford for attendees over the last three years has helped the NBOC expand its blue tech network and develop several business connections that could have big impacts for New Bedford’s Ocean economy. Congratulations to Toby Stapleton and his team at the Blue Venture Forum on the tenth anniversary of the Symposium. We continue to value from our participation in the event and are pleased to support it.”